Bush Tucker Plant Food - All
NEW: Australian Bush Food Plant Quiz (Bush Tucker and Edible Weeds).
This page shows the native bush tucker plant foods all on the one page, rather than grouped according to which part of the plant is edible like on the bush tucker plant index page. The plant foods are listed in alphabetical order of genus (the genus is the first word in the two-word scienfitic name of the plant, the second word is the species). I haven't added the "weeds" from the weeds page, since there are a lot of them already, and they are usually found in different areas to the native plants. (Specifically, the native plants are mostly found in undisturbed bushland, while the "weeds" are mostly found in and around human settlement.) I also haven't added the medicial plants which have no edible parts.
Note that only certain parts of these plants are edible, not the whole plant.
See also: Bush Tucker Plant Foods Index
This page shows some bush tucker plant foods that can be found in the Sydney and Blue Mountains regions. Most of them can be found in other parts of Australia, and a some are found in other parts of the world also.
WARNING: Never eat
plants that are growing in an area where they may have been sprayed
with pesticides or herbicides (weed killers), or where the water
supply to the area could be polluted, such as from urban or industrial
run-off. Never eat any part of any wild growing plant unless you are certain you can identify it. Being certain means you have developed a maturity of skill in identifying plants. It does not mean you are pretty sure it looks just like "that plant you saw once on some website".
Click on the pictures to show more information about each of the different food species.
Recommended Reading
Bush Tucker Plant Foods Index
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