Australian Mammals - Sydney and the Blue MountainsThis page shows some mammals that can be found in the Sydney and Blue Mountains and other regions of Australia. Click on the pictures to show more information about each of the different mammals. This section of the site is quite new and I will add more animals as I get around to it, and add more information about the mammals that are there already. NEW There's an alternative version of this page at the new website
NOTE: The mammals are listed in order of size, from smallest to largest.
Black Rat
Rattus rattus
Size: 16-21 cm head and body, plus 18-26 cm tail Introduced |
Short-beaked Echidna NEW
Tachyglossus aculeatus
Size: Head-to-body 23-35 cm. Tail 8 cm. |
Bilby NEW
Macrotis Lagotis
Size: Head-to-body 30-55 cm, Tail 20-29 cm. Not in Sydney or the Blue Mountains |
Phascolarctos cinereus
Size: 65-82 cm |
Tiger Quoll (Spot-tailed Quoll)
Dasyurus maculatus
Size: Head-to-body 35-75 cm, Tail 35-55 cm |
Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat
Lasiorhinus latifrons
Size: Head-to-body 77-94 cm. Tail 2.5-6 cm. Not in Sydney or the Blue Mountains |
Red Fox
Vulpes vulpes
Size: Head to body: Males 61-74 cm, Females 57-67 cm. Tail: Males 36-45 cm, Females 38-43 cm Introduced |
Common Wombat
Vombatus ursinus
Size: Head-to-body 85-120 cm. Tail 2-3 cm. |
Swamp Wallaby
Wallabia bicolor
Size: Head-to-body: Males to 85 cm, females to 75 cm. Tail: Males to 73 cm, females to 73 cm. |
Dingo NEW
Canis lupus dingo
Size: Head-to-body 86-100 cm. Tail 26-36 cm. Introduced |
Eastern Wallaroo NEW
Macropus robustus
Size: Head-to-body: Males 110 cm, Females 80 cm. Tail about 80 cm. |
Blue Mountains Panther
Panthera caerulea
Size: To 5 metres Introduced |
See Also
Australian Frogs Australian Fish Australian Spiders and their Faces
Australian Birds
Australian Reptiles
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