Other names: Pig Face, Karkalla. Until the early 20th century, Carpobrotos was included in the genus Mesembryanthemum
Family: Aizoaceae
Habitat: Exposed places by the sea, especially sand dunes
Uses: Edible fruits and leaves, Water
Season: All year
References: Low, Robinson
A robust creeping herb with succulent (like a cactus) leaves. The fruits are good eating, among Australia's tastiest wild fruits. They turn purple when ripe, and the fleshy pulp can be squeezed out and eaten. The leaves are very salty and are only worth eating if you are starving, or low on salt (unlikely if you are near the sea where pigfaces are found).
Carpobrotus glaucescens (Eastern Pigface) is found in Queensland and New South Wales.
Pigfaces contain large proportions of drinkable moisture and are therefore a good source of water for survival purposes (see here).

Photo: Rosebery, Sydney NSW

Photo: Rosebery, Sydney NSW

Photo: Rosebery, Sydney NSW
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