Scissortail Sergeant - Abudefduf sexfasciatus

Scissortail Sergeant

Abudefduf sexfasciatus

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Other Names: Striptailed damselfish

Family: Pomacentridae, the damselfish and clownfish family.

Size: To 22 cm

Distribution: Around the coasts of most of Australia except for the southern waters of WA, SA, Vic, and not around TAS. West to the Red Sea, north to Japan, and east to French Polynesia.

Status: Least concern.

Habitat: Shallow rocky shorelines and coral reefs.

References: Kuiter, Edgar, Stuart-Smith et. al, Wikipedia.

About the Scissortail Sergeant

The Scissortail Sergeant has a white or pale blue body, with five vertical black bands. Two horizontal bands are also often (but not always) present on the lobes of their tail. Their common name comes from the similiarity of their stripes to the stripes found in military insignia (i.e. of a sergeant).

Diet: The Scissortail Sergeant eats algae, zooplankton, and sometimes its own eggs. Also small crustaceans and larval fishes.

Economics: The Scissortail Sergeant is popular in the aquarium trade.

Scissortail Sergeant - Abudefduf sexfasciatus
Photo taken at Sydney Aquarium, Sydney, NSW, Australia. High Resolution 2852 x 1902.

See Also

Australian Mammals
Australian Birds
Australian Reptiles
Australian Frogs
Australian Spiders and Their Faces
Australian Wild Plant Foods

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Scissortail Sergeant - Abudefduf sexfasciatus

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