Mountain Dragon
Tympanocryptis diemensis
Family: Agamidae (more than 300 species in Africa, Asia, Australia, and a few in Southern Europe)
Size: Body (snout to vent) to 25cm, tail to 35 cm
Distribution: Within a few hundred km of most of NSW (except the North), parts of VIC and the Eastern half of TAS
Status: Probably secure, but sparsely distributed
Habitat: Sclerophyll forests, woodlands, heaths and low scrubs on sandy plateaus, stony ranges and rocky outcrops, mainly in highland areas, but reaching the coast in the Sydney region. Forest populations favour clearings.
References: Cronin, Wikipedia, Museum Victoria.
The Mountain Dragon is the most southerly distrubuted dragon lizard in the world. It is the only dragon that lives in areas where it snows regularly, and it is the only dragon in Tasmania.
I took this photo of one in the North of Lawson, down the track at the end of Queens Road.
You can download Mountain Dragon Desktop Wallpaper here. Click on the link in this paragraph and then right-click on the image and select "Set As Desktop Background...".
Alternatively, you can right click on the link above and then select "Save Image As", or "Save As", or "Save Link As..." (depending on what web browsing software you are using). Once you have saved the photo to your computer, click "Set As Desktop Background".

Photo: Lawson, Blue Mountains NSW. High Resolution (2552 x 1407)

Photo: Lawson, Blue Mountains NSW.
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