List of Plants for the Blue Mountains (and Sydney Australia)
NEW: Bush Tucker Plant Foods section with photos and descriptions of the plants and other foods.
This page contains the list of "bush tucker" plant foods that
I have been learning. The list comes from the
book "Blue
Mountains Dreaming—The
Aboriginal Heritage",
ed. by Eugene Stockton (see my books
Most of these plants (probably almost all of them) would be found
elsewhere in the greater Sydney region. The list contains 72 entries.
Some of the entries are entire genera (such
as "eucalyptus"),
which comprise more than one species (a great many species in the case
of eucalyptus).
This list probably contains many more plants than you should attempt to
learn at once, or that you would want to start off your education in
plant foods with. Later on I will add to this site a much smaller and
more manageable list of plants to learn first.
Not all of the entries are food plants—some are medicinal, or have
other uses. Some of the plants have an edible part (or parts) and another
part (or parts) with a medicinal or other property. So just because it
is on the list does not necessarily mean you can eat it.
Eventually I would like to add another column to the list containing information
on what season(s) the plants can be harvested in.
Download the list
View (or save) in PDF format (52
Download in Microsoft Word format (57 KB)
The above versions are formatted so that they can be printed and stuck
on the wall if desired. The font is bold, to make reading easier from
a distance. I have had them stuck on the wall next to my bed on and off
at various times. The references in the rightmost column are to page
numbers in
various plant books that
I have (the details
these are given below). The reference column
is not yet complete as I have not got around to typing them all up, although
I have them written out on paper. If you want to know the references
in the meantime, pictures of the paper version of
the list are linked below. The list is four pages long in total.
Page 1 of paper version (JPG 210 KB)
Page 2 of paper version (JPG
210 KB)
Page 3 of paper version (JPG
210 KB)
Page 4 of paper version (JPG
210 KB)
Key to References
I didn't look up all of the plants against all of the references below—so
many of the plants will be in the books below without the references
being shown on my list. Rather, I was trying to find at least one reference
for each plant. The first book I looked in was "TL", which contains most
of the plants on the list. If the plant was not in that book, then I
would look in another book, and so on, until I found a reference for
the plant.
Almost all (all but one, or something like that) of the plants on the list
can be found in the NSW PlantNet database.
I looked up all the plants and printed an A4 page of information about
them from PlantNet, and put them together in a folder.
TL = Tim Low, Wild Food Plants of Australia
AW = Field Guide to Australian Wildflowers, Denise Greig
AT = Australian Trees, Ivan Holliday
or BM = Native Plants of the Blue Mountains, Margaret
Baker and Robin Corringham
BFL = A typo, it's meant to be "BFC"
KGAW = Key Guide to Australian
Wildflowers, Leonard Cronin
SW = Some Plants are Poisonous, Sally Wilson
BFC = A Companion Guide to Bush Food, Jennifer Issacs
TB = Tom Brown's Field
Guide to Wilderness Survival, Tom Brown Jr.
Recommended Reading
See Also
Overview of plant foods
Bush Tucker Plant Foods Index
Get started with learning plant foods - make
yourself a task list
Edible Weeds
Family and Comunity Farming
Australian Field Guides and Nature Books
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