Doctors Weigh In On Phone Brain Cancer Links

Doctors Weigh In On Phone Brain Cancer Links

By Stephen King

Stephen King: Increasingly doctors worldwide are reporting their findings that cell phones are a legitimate threat to human health. The following doctors are joining the already long list of the medical community who want the public and safety organizations to recognize the problems and learn more about preventive methods people can practice.

Doctors Weigh In On Phone Brain Cancer Links Dr. Charles Teo, Neurosurgeon in Australia, co-authored a peer reviewed research paper with Dr. Vini Khurana where they said they are very concerned with the link of cell phones and brain tumors.

Dr. Teo says: "If the question is do I believe that mobile phones can cause brain cancer? The answer is yes, I do." Teo also gives this warning: "I'm incredibly worried, concerned, depressed at the number of kids I'm seeing coming in with brain tumors. Just in the last three or four weeks I've seen nearly half a dozen kids with tumors which really should have been benign and they've all been nasty, malignant brain tumors. We are doing something terribly wrong."

Dr. Khurana says: "The use of mobile phones is associated with a doubling of the risk of being diagnosed with a brain tumor over ten years. That is what the data that we have analyzed shows." He also noted that mobile phones could be the biggest public health issue since tobacco. Further he adds, "I think that doubling the risks could be a conservative estimate. I would be very happy to be wrong about this because the public health implications of being right about this are enormous. There are just over 4 billion mobile phone users and people as young as three years old using them."

The young age of cell phone users is probably the biggest concern for the doctors now as they are seeing a rise in children with brain tumors. According to Dr. Lennart Hardell of Sweden, his research has shown that children under the age of 20 that begin using a cell phone regularly for 10 years were five times more likely to develop a "glioma", a type of brain tumor. The extra risk to young people of contracting the disease from using the cordless phone found in many homes was almost as great, at more than four times higher."

France is one of a few nations to present public health warnings to inform parents that children should limit cell phone use and also to implement litigation on cell phone manufacturers to prevent them from targeting children in advertising. This appears to be the correct steps all nations should be starting to take as the health concerns from doctors are pointing to epidemic levels that they are already seeing the beginning effects of.

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Article Copyright© Stephen King — reproduced with permission. Source Link. Emphasis (bolding) of sentences has been added by me.

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