Making Cordage
My aim for making cordage is not clearly defined - just to reach some kind
of proficiency in making ropes, cords, and strings using natural materials
found in my area. I think that would be one of the most useful skills
to have for living in a natural wilderness environment.
So far I have made up a few short lengths of (as yet) rather poor quality
thin rope, using leaves of Mat-rush (Lomandra) plants. Later on, as I practise,
the quality will improve.
Coming soon: I will describe the techniques I have used in making cordage
and what I have learned so far. The basic technique for winding is described here
on my site and here
on another site (especially see figures 4a and 4b).
For now, here are a few pictures of the Mat Rush plants that I used, and
my finished cordage.
Making Cordage from Mat Rush
Making Cordage for a Stone Axe
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cordage making
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