Wilderness Survival, Tracking, and Awareness

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NEW: Essential Survival Gear/Equipment

NEW: I'm updating this page currently (June and July 2020) with newer links. Following any of these links and buying something will help survival.ark.au by freeing up time to add more survival and self sufficiency information to the website. Every dollar made from this website is one less dollar I have to earn in my day job, which means more time to add things to survival.ark.au.

Wilderness and Outdoor Adventure Gear



    Oxfam Shop  

I am also affiliated with the Australian online bookshop Fishpond, which also give me a 5% commission on anything you buy there if you go there from this website. They also seem to be fairly cheap.


Other Affiliated Dealers

Dick Smith
    Crazy Sales  
    Betta Home Living  

Online courses at Udemy

Learn for less. Online courses start at AU$12.99

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I get a percentage (I think it is about 4%) of the price of books purchased from Amazon.com via this website. It is meant to work for any books (or products) that they sell, not just the ones I have mentioned — so if you get to Amazon.com via any of the links on this website, and you search for and buy anything at all from them (even a giant screen plasma TV), survival.ark.au will get a percentage of that. The price to you (the buyer) is the same as otherwise. I am not expecting to make a lot of money from this, but hopefully it will offset somewhat the hosting costs for this site.

Pages Listed Elsewhere On This Website

Listed below are some of the pages on survival.ark.au that offer products for sale:

Australian Field Guides and Nature Books
Survival Books

My Top Two Survival Books
Permaculture, Self Sufficiency And Sustainable Living Books

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