Sonchus - Sowthistle - Edible Weeds and Bush Tucker Plant Foods



Other names: Milk thistle
Introduced From: Europe, North Africa and Western Asia
Habitat: Gardens, pastures, roadsides, coastal sand dunes
Uses: The cooked leaves are an ancient vegetable. The young leaves can be used raw in salads if you aren't too fussy. Young peeled stalks may also be eaten (probably best cooked or at least steamed).
References: Low (Weeds), Richardson and Shepherd

Sonchus species are common weeds found in a lot of places. The flowers are distincvive, and they grow taller than most of the weedy-type plants that appear by themselves in the areas that sowthistles are found. They are popular vegetables eaten by peasant peoples in Africa and Asia.

Sonchus asper - Prickly Sowthistle - Bush Tucker Plant Foods
Photo: Sonchus asper, Prickly Sowthistle. Blaxland, Blue Mountains NSW. High resolution (1707 x 2825). Native to Mexico.

Sonchus asper - Prickly Sowthistle - Bush Tucker Plant Foods
Photo: Sonchus asper, Prickly Sowthistle. Blaxland, Blue Mountains NSW. High resolution (2000 x 2955). Native to Mexico.

Sonchus asper - Prickly Sowthistle - Bush Tucker Plant Foods
Photo: Sonchus asper, Prickly Sowthistle. Wentworth Falls, Blue Mountains NSW. High resolution (1167 x 1266). Native to Mexico.

Sonchus asper - Prickly Sowthistle - Bush Tucker Plant Foods
Photo: Sonchus asper, Prickly Sowthistle. Blaxland, Blue Mountains NSW. High resolution (1941 x 2753). Native to Mexico.

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Sonchus - Sowthistle - Edible Weeds and Bush Tucker Plant Foods

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