Chenopodium album - Fat Hen - Edible Weeds and Bush Tucker Plant Foods

Chenopodium album

Fat Hen

Other names:
Introduced From: Europe and Northern Asia
Habitat: A common weed of roadsides, crops and wastlands over eastern, southern and central Australia
Uses: Leaves and seeds edible cooked
References: Low (Weeds), Richardson and Shepherd

Chenopodium album, Fat Hen, is probably named because chickens get fat from eating it. It has been used as a vegetable in Europe since prehistoric times. It grows faster and absorbs nutrients more efficiently than any crop, and can grow in almost anything. That plus the fact that it is also a rich source of nutrients makes it one of the most useful plants that there is.

Chenopodium album - Fat Hen
Photo: Chenopodium album, Fat Hen. Blaxland, Blue Mountains NSW. High resolution (2000 x 2428)

Chenopodium album - Fat Hen
Photo: Chenopodium album, Fat Hen. Blaxland, Blue Mountains NSW. High resolution (2456 x 1885)

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Chenopodium album - Fat Hen - Edible Weeds and Bush Tucker Plant Foods

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