Animal Food
My aim for this area is not clearly defined - just to learn some stuff
about finding animal foods. There are three areas of focus: trapping,
hunting, and what I will call for now "insects".
The other day I made my
first trap, a "Figure Four" trap. It is described here.
My aims here are to construct and practise with some simple hunting weapons.
First will be the throwing stick or "rabbit stick". Also I will
try the spear, the atlatl (or spear thrower, or woomera), and possibly
the bow and arrow. The bow and arrow will come later in the year, if
at all,
since it will take a bit of effort to make one. Maybe that will be for
next year. For this year, the only goal I have for "bow and arrow" is
to obtain at least one (factory made) bow and some
arrows, and get a bit of practise with them. I used to belong to an
archery club when I was about 14 years old, so this is a weapon I feel
comfortable with. (I didn't use it for hunting though, only target shooting).
The best hunters are not those with a natural aptitude for hunting, but
those who have had to struggle long and hard to learn every trick of the
Theun Mares, Return of the Warriors, p101.
The aim here is to find some small crawly things, or winged things, that
can be eaten, and get some experience with them! I have heard that many
insects/grubs/etc can be eaten raw, but some suggest that THEY would prefer
to cook them, to avoid any chance of parasites. I think that I may start
off with the cooked variety.
As with many of the other pages, this page will be added to as I get around
to it.
Figure Four Trap
Paiute Trap
Springpole Deadfall Trap
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